by Robin Logan:
Amid controversy, well known British Homeopath, Jeremy Sherr, complete with wife and children, has recently left the Malvern Hills in the West of England, for Moshi in Tanzania, to, in his words, "get out there and cure as many people as possible". Sherr, with colleagues in several countries, spent 10 years attempting to raise funds for a Homeopathy and AIDS research project. While there is a lot of funding available for AIDS research, they found that the moment Homeopathy was mentioned, doors were slammed shut.
After much frustration with bureaucracy and hard work only to be followed by disappointments, Sherr decided to head off to Africa and start treating AIDS sufferers in the hope of collecting enough evidence to convince the skeptics and raise the profile of Homeopathy as a viable and affordable treatment for AIDS. He is under no illusions as to the enormity of that task however, and recent responses from Homeopathy's detractors are not for the feint hearted.
Over the last year skeptics in the medical and scientific establishment have become increasing vociferous. Homeopathy was once considered innocuous by most non-believers and Homeopaths on the whole were left alone. Now, what Sherr calls "The Pharmaceutical Inquisition" has been growing in intensity, and Sherr's 'journalfromafrica' blog has not escaped attention. Severe criticisms of his attitude to anti-retroviral drugs, his approach to clinical trials and even his suggestion that Homeopathy can be of any use at all, have resulted in him removing several entries from the blog, including those describing the aims of, and background to, the project and descriptions of some of the first AIDS cases treated.
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