By: Dana Ullman, The Homeopathic Educational Services in Berkeley.
Surgical infections from bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus affect many people annually. Infections, which can strike an immune system compromised by surgery, may cause complications like bleeding and prolong your recuperation. Protect yourself against infections with Ferrum phosphoricum.
Recommended Dosage: Two days prior to surgery, begin taking 6X or 6C of Ferrum four times a day, every six hours. Stop taking it the day of your surgery.
For Anxiety:
Nervousness before an operation may weaken your immune system. If you feel anxious, apprehensive, or physically weak, you can soothe your nervous system by taking the remedy Gelsemium. If your anxiety is severe and makes you feel like you're facing death, take Aconitum napellus instead.
Recommended Dosage: The night before your procedure, take 6X or 6C of either Gelsemium or 30X or 30C of Aconitum. On the morning of your surgery, take the remedy again as soon as you wake up. If after the surgery you don't experience any relief from your anxiety, take up to four more doses two to four hours apart.
Prevent Dangerous Bleeding:
If your surgery poses the potential for a large loss of blood or you will undergo intravenous (IV) therapy, take Arnica montana. It reduces bleeding during surgery, prevents blood from pooling under your skin, and minimizes the surgical shock that can cause cardiovascular problems.
Recommended Dosage: Take 30X or 30C of Arnica the night before the surgery, the morning of the surgery, and just prior to the surgery.
Stop Postoperative Bleeding:
Bleeding occurs frequently after surgery, and most people can reduce it with Arnica montana. Or you can use whichever of the following remedies suits your specific symptoms.
Arsenicum album helps when excessive bleeding leads to great weakness, burning pains, restlessness, and anxiety, as well as thirst.
Cinchona officinalis works best if bleeding and a loss of fluids like sweat or urine cause you to feel faint or have ringing in the ears.
Ipecacuanha is used for fast bleeding of bright red blood that is often accompanied by nausea or a shortness of breath.
Secale cornutum helps when you experience uterine bleeding and the blood is thin and fetid. It's also suitable when your entire body feels hot and you are aggravated by the heat.
Recommended Dosage: Take 30X or 30C of one of the above remedies every hour for up to four hours until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding does not slow significantly, try another remedy in the same dose. After you find a remedy that works for you, complete the regimen by taking one to four doses of that remedy the next day.
Relieve Constipation:
Surgical procedures, especially abdominal or gynecological operations, typically slow or stop normal bowel function. The following remedies, taken alone or in combination, may provide relief from constipation.
Arnica montana helps if you experience a shock, characterized by a pale skin tone, that stops normal intestinal functions, including bowel movements.
China is useful if you have a large accumulation of fecal matter that is difficult to expel, and you experience watery but painless diarrhea.
Raphanus sativus is indicated if you're constipated without any bowel movements or you have gas pains in the upper left part of your abdomen.
Recommended Dosage: Take one of these remedies or a combination of them in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency three times a day for up to four days.
Phase Out Flatulence:
Surgery can disrupt your digestive system, resulting in flatulence. Gas may collect and cause jabbing pains and severe bloating. Find relief with one of these remedies.
Carbo vegetabilis assists people who suffer from great distension and offensive gas. This remedy is best if you get relief from release and if carbonated drinks ease the gas pains.
Cinchona officinalis is useful when there is more pain than distension, frequent rumbling in the abdomen, and no relief from releasing gas.
Colocynthis works when there is more pain than distension and cramps are relieved by bending over.
Raphanus sativus helps people who have a distended abdomen but are unable to expel gas.
Recommended Dosage: Take one of the above in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency every two hours during intense pain and every four hours during mild discomfort. If you don't improve after 24 hours, try another remedy.
Prevent Nausea and Vomiting:
Nausea can prevent you from getting out of bed--and you need to move around to regain normal bodily functions. And vomiting can irritate the muscles and stitching around a wound. Try one of these remedies.
Arsenicum treats violent vomiting made worse by drinking cold water or eating. It is also suitable if you experience burning pain in your stomach.
Ipecac helps people who experience persistent nausea with vomiting, and for whom vomiting does not provide relief.
Nux vomica is good if there is ineffectual retching without actual vomiting.
Phosphorus treats nausea with or without vomiting. It's most helpful when you have a headache and a strong thirst for iced drinks.
Recommended Dosage: Take 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C of a remedy every two hours during intense symptoms and every four hours during mild discomfort. If you don't improve after 24 hours, try another remedy.
Care for Tender Tissue:
Most surgical procedures cause minor trauma to your skin and muscles. The herb Calendula (Calendula officinalis), which comes as a gel, ointment, tincture, or spray (available in natural food stores), helps heal most wounds. You can also address the swelling or bruising with one of the remedies below.
Arnica montana gels or pills soothe bruised or swollen muscles and bruises caused by intravenous injections.
Hamamelis gel, ointment, cream, or spray reduces hemorrhoid bleeding and varicose veins that may occur after surgery, especially if you have weak veins. It's helpful when your capillaries are enlarged (evidenced by the ability to see your veins clearly and by a redness around the affected area).
Bellis perennis pills perform best if you've had abdominal surgery that traumatized deep tissue.
Recommended Dosage: Apply external remedies at least once a day and again if bathing washes them off. Take two to eight doses of the internal remedies in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency every six hours for two days.
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