Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Repertorizing H1N1 Symptoms
Credit/Source: Dr. Anil Singhal, MD. HD.
Dr. Hahnemann has mentioned guidelines for physicians to tackle any epidemic in his Organon of Medicine under the aphorisms 100-102:
In investigating the symptomatology of any epidemic or sporadic disease, it is NOT required to know whether something similar disease has appeared in the world before under the same name or any other name. Physician MUST examine every prevailing disease as if it were something new and unknown.
He SHOULD investigate it thoroughly for practicing medicine in a real and radical manner. He should NEVER substitute conjecture (guess or baseless opinion) for actual observations. He should NOT consider this new prevailing disease as if already whole or partially. He SHOULD examine this prevailing disease in all its phases.
Now, considering the guidelines given by Dr. Hahnemann – Inventor of Homoeopathy, I took all the symptoms (as mentioned by CDC) for further analysis.
Analysis of symptoms of hospitalized H1N1 patients
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of US had tabulated the symptomatology of H1N1 virus in human beings:
Fever (93%)
Cough (83%)
Shortness of breath (54%)
Fatigue/Weakness (40%)
Chills (37%)
Myalgias (36%)
Rhinorrhea (36%)
Sore Throat (31%)
Headache (31%)
Vomiting (29%)
Wheezing (24%)
Diarrhea (24%)
You can see in more than 50% of the cases Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath were marked. I would like to mention some Emergency Warning Signs here. If you become ill and experience any of the warning signs, seek emergency medical care at nearest government hospital.
In children, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
In adults, emergency warning signs that need urgent medical attention include:
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
Severe or persistent vomiting
Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
Selection of Homeopathic Repertory
In Homeopathy, Repertory is a clinical applied tool, in short, it helps to analyse symptoms of a patient in a clinical setup. There are various homeopathic repertories available (like Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, Kent’s Repertory, and some newer repertories) based on certain logic, philosophies or guidelines. Each one is having specific scope and limitations.
Considering the general symptoms of the H1N1 Influenza as mentioned by CDC, I chose Kent’s Repertory to analyse all these symptoms. Kent’s Repertory is the most often used homeopathic repertory worldwide.
Rubrics of Kent’s Homeopathic Repertory pertaining to symptoms of hospitalized novel H1N1 patients: (in bracket total number of homeopathic medicines are mentioned – these number of homeopathic medicines have affinity to cure linked symptom)
Fever; HEAT in general (152)
Cough (238) – here I included homeopathic remedies of all time modalities
Respiration; DIFFICULT (Asthmatic) (259)
Generalities; WEAKNESS (309)
Chill; COLDNESS in general (177)
Extremity Pain; GENERAL (168)
Catarrh+Coryza (224) – for rhinorrhea, I included all the remedies belonging to catarrh and coryza in nose.
Throat; PAIN; Sorethroat (in general) (120)
Head Pain; GENERAL (258)
Stomach; VOMITING; General (177)
Respiration; WHEEZING (62)
Rectum; DIARRHOEA (214)
I observed that Ars. is ranking on top covering almost all the symptoms of H1N1 in highest grade.
Monday, November 9, 2009
University College London Hospitals: Homeopathy - Women's Clinic
Report from the clinic:
Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital Women’s Clinic, staffed exclusively by women doctors, was started by Dr Tessa Katz and Dr Ros McGregor in June 1993. It began in response to a need for a womancentred space for dealing with gynaecological and related disorders.
The Women’s Clinic aims to provide an empathetic space for women to discuss an integrated approach to treatment of gynaecological and related disorders and to treat these problems effectively and safely with homeopathic remedies.
The clinic has dealt successfully with a wide range of problems including:
* Cystitis
* Endometriosis
* Fibroids/ovarian cysts
* Infertility
* Menopausal symptoms
* Menstrual problems
* Pregnancy-related symptoms
* Pre-menstrual symptoms
* Thrush
* Psycho sexual problems including sexual abuse Treatment
Homeopathic remedies are used within the clinics and patients may also be referred for other services within the hospital such as dietary advice and autogenic training (a form of stress management therapy).
Success rate:
This varies with the disorders treated, but approximately 70% of our patients feel a definite improvement, 25% have some improvement of their symptoms and only 5% do not seem to respond to homeopathic treatment.
Usually a response is noticeable after the first or second consultation. When it is advisable to remain on conventional treatment, homeopathic remedies can be used alongside other forms of treatment.
About Homeopathy,
Homeopath Idols,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
College of Homeopaths of Ontario
Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada is pleased to announce that the "Government of Ontario, Ministry of Health and Long Term care" has announced the appointment of the Transitional Council of the College of Homeopaths of Ontario. Members have been appointed by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
The newly appointed Council will have three years to complete its work. The role of the Council is to develop standards, entry to practice requirements etc. for continuing competence among members.
A total number of 16 public and professional members ( i.e. 7 public members and 9 professional members) to the Transitional Council. The Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada and HMECC Inc. are proud to announce that two of these professional members are Founder/life members of our proud organizations.
Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada and HMECC Inc. has been actively involved in advocating for the regulation of Homeopathy by conducting Student's educational programs, International Homeopathic Conferences and various public awareness and Professional Seminars for professionals as well as the public. We would continue to work with the Transitional Council to ensure that the highest standards of education and practice are established for our profession.
We feel the pleasure to congratulate all the newly appointed members of Transitional Council of College of Homeopaths of Ontario.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
1 Day to Vitality!
Juice Fasting - Nutrition - Meditation - NLP - Homeopathy and LIVE BLOOD TEST!
"The whole key to personal transformation starts on a cellular level. New cells don’t follow the same old programming. If you are ready to exchange your old tired cells and find new physical, psychic, and spiritual energy, then you are ready for this program."
Presented by Walking Together International Holistic Center at 4282 Cedar Valley
Newmarket, Ontario. www.walking-together.ca
Register today, call Alicia 905-751-7205 or Anna 905 773-6350
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tissue Salts
In 1880, Dr Wilhelm Schuessler (1821-1898), of Oldenburg in Germany, published his system of the twelve so-called Biochemic Tissue Salts. He postulated that these twelve salts were all that was needed to restore health, since the cell requires a balance of them and any imbalance would give rise to disease. He analyzed human blood and tissues and found the most essential minerals to be calcium, chlorine, fluorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silica, sodium and sulfur. The twelve naturally occurring tissue salts are made up of combination of these minerals.
Suggested book for Professional Homeopaths:
Facial Diagnosis of Cell Salt, by David Card.
ISBN-13: 978-1890772444 / ISBN-10: 1890772445
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Homeopathy for Operations
By: Dana Ullman, The Homeopathic Educational Services in Berkeley.
Surgical infections from bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus affect many people annually. Infections, which can strike an immune system compromised by surgery, may cause complications like bleeding and prolong your recuperation. Protect yourself against infections with Ferrum phosphoricum.
Recommended Dosage: Two days prior to surgery, begin taking 6X or 6C of Ferrum four times a day, every six hours. Stop taking it the day of your surgery.
For Anxiety:
Nervousness before an operation may weaken your immune system. If you feel anxious, apprehensive, or physically weak, you can soothe your nervous system by taking the remedy Gelsemium. If your anxiety is severe and makes you feel like you're facing death, take Aconitum napellus instead.
Recommended Dosage: The night before your procedure, take 6X or 6C of either Gelsemium or 30X or 30C of Aconitum. On the morning of your surgery, take the remedy again as soon as you wake up. If after the surgery you don't experience any relief from your anxiety, take up to four more doses two to four hours apart.
Prevent Dangerous Bleeding:
If your surgery poses the potential for a large loss of blood or you will undergo intravenous (IV) therapy, take Arnica montana. It reduces bleeding during surgery, prevents blood from pooling under your skin, and minimizes the surgical shock that can cause cardiovascular problems.
Recommended Dosage: Take 30X or 30C of Arnica the night before the surgery, the morning of the surgery, and just prior to the surgery.
Stop Postoperative Bleeding:
Bleeding occurs frequently after surgery, and most people can reduce it with Arnica montana. Or you can use whichever of the following remedies suits your specific symptoms.
Arsenicum album helps when excessive bleeding leads to great weakness, burning pains, restlessness, and anxiety, as well as thirst.
Cinchona officinalis works best if bleeding and a loss of fluids like sweat or urine cause you to feel faint or have ringing in the ears.
Ipecacuanha is used for fast bleeding of bright red blood that is often accompanied by nausea or a shortness of breath.
Secale cornutum helps when you experience uterine bleeding and the blood is thin and fetid. It's also suitable when your entire body feels hot and you are aggravated by the heat.
Recommended Dosage: Take 30X or 30C of one of the above remedies every hour for up to four hours until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding does not slow significantly, try another remedy in the same dose. After you find a remedy that works for you, complete the regimen by taking one to four doses of that remedy the next day.
Relieve Constipation:
Surgical procedures, especially abdominal or gynecological operations, typically slow or stop normal bowel function. The following remedies, taken alone or in combination, may provide relief from constipation.
Arnica montana helps if you experience a shock, characterized by a pale skin tone, that stops normal intestinal functions, including bowel movements.
China is useful if you have a large accumulation of fecal matter that is difficult to expel, and you experience watery but painless diarrhea.
Raphanus sativus is indicated if you're constipated without any bowel movements or you have gas pains in the upper left part of your abdomen.
Recommended Dosage: Take one of these remedies or a combination of them in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency three times a day for up to four days.
Phase Out Flatulence:
Surgery can disrupt your digestive system, resulting in flatulence. Gas may collect and cause jabbing pains and severe bloating. Find relief with one of these remedies.
Carbo vegetabilis assists people who suffer from great distension and offensive gas. This remedy is best if you get relief from release and if carbonated drinks ease the gas pains.
Cinchona officinalis is useful when there is more pain than distension, frequent rumbling in the abdomen, and no relief from releasing gas.
Colocynthis works when there is more pain than distension and cramps are relieved by bending over.
Raphanus sativus helps people who have a distended abdomen but are unable to expel gas.
Recommended Dosage: Take one of the above in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency every two hours during intense pain and every four hours during mild discomfort. If you don't improve after 24 hours, try another remedy.
Prevent Nausea and Vomiting:
Nausea can prevent you from getting out of bed--and you need to move around to regain normal bodily functions. And vomiting can irritate the muscles and stitching around a wound. Try one of these remedies.
Arsenicum treats violent vomiting made worse by drinking cold water or eating. It is also suitable if you experience burning pain in your stomach.
Ipecac helps people who experience persistent nausea with vomiting, and for whom vomiting does not provide relief.
Nux vomica is good if there is ineffectual retching without actual vomiting.
Phosphorus treats nausea with or without vomiting. It's most helpful when you have a headache and a strong thirst for iced drinks.
Recommended Dosage: Take 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C of a remedy every two hours during intense symptoms and every four hours during mild discomfort. If you don't improve after 24 hours, try another remedy.
Care for Tender Tissue:
Most surgical procedures cause minor trauma to your skin and muscles. The herb Calendula (Calendula officinalis), which comes as a gel, ointment, tincture, or spray (available in natural food stores), helps heal most wounds. You can also address the swelling or bruising with one of the remedies below.
Arnica montana gels or pills soothe bruised or swollen muscles and bruises caused by intravenous injections.
Hamamelis gel, ointment, cream, or spray reduces hemorrhoid bleeding and varicose veins that may occur after surgery, especially if you have weak veins. It's helpful when your capillaries are enlarged (evidenced by the ability to see your veins clearly and by a redness around the affected area).
Bellis perennis pills perform best if you've had abdominal surgery that traumatized deep tissue.
Recommended Dosage: Apply external remedies at least once a day and again if bathing washes them off. Take two to eight doses of the internal remedies in a 6X or 6C or 30X or 30C potency every six hours for two days.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Homeopathic Remedies for Nails
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Back To School - Fight Flu
By: Dr. by Randall Neustaedter OMD
Source: FLU Alternative Treatments and Prevention
The two most frequently indicated homeopathic flu medicines over the past 100 years have been Gelsemium and Bryonia. There are significant differences in the symptom pictures of these two medicines that make it easy to decide which is the better fit. They are not the only medicines used to treat the flu, but between them they will probably fit the majority of cases.
Bryonia and Gelsemium type flus both come on slowly over a 6-12 hour period. You begin to feel gradually worse over that time. By the second day you have aching muscles, feel pretty bad, and usually have a headache. Bryonia has more pain in the front of the head, which is definitely made worse by moving the head, or moving the eyes, and feels better from pressing the hand on the head. Gelsemium has pain in the back of the head with stiffness and aching in the neck and across the shoulders. Gelsemium does not want to move much either, and you may feel worse from moving around, but you avoid movement primarily because you are so tired. The characteristic state of Gelsemium is lethargy and fatigue. By contrast, Bryonia is tired but also restless. Bryonia discomfort is worse from motion, but at the same time you feel the urge to move about restlessly in the bed. No position seems comfortable. Bryonia is thirsty, Gelsemium is not. In fact Bryonia is generally warmer and drier. Bryonia wants air and cool temperatures to calm the heat. Gelsemium is chilly and sensitive to cold; cold shivers go down the spine. At the same time Gelsemium is clammy with the fever, and feelings of heat and cold may alternate. Bryonia has more coughing and chest symptoms, a painful cough that aggravates the sore throat. The Bryonia cough will also cause chest pains, and the inevitable reaction to this situation is to press the palm to the chest to minimize the movement caused by coughing. Gelsemium does not have the energy to be emotional. Bryonia is irritable, worried, and fretful. Bryonia wants to be left alone, Gelsemium is too exhausted to respond.
Contrasting Gelsemium and Bryonia:
Chilly with chills down spine,
Dull, sleepy, heavy
Worse from movement,
Headache at back of head, stiff neck.
Warm with desire for cool air,
Dull, but irritable, worried
All symptoms worse from movement, but restless
Headache in forehead, better from pressure, worse by motion.
The Rhus toxicodendron flu immediately distinguishes itself by its extreme restlessness. With all of the aching pains Rhus tox is better from moving. Constant motion, changing positions, and stretching provide the only relief. If you lie still with a Rhus tox flu you begin to ache, which forces you to move. Nighttime is the worst for Rhus tox because of the difficulty remaining in one position. You will toss and turn looking for relief. Mentally Rhus tox is anxious with a restless mind, and emotionally a sudden depression with crying is common. Like Gelsemium, Rhus tox is chilly and sweaty. Rhus tox is also sensitive to cold and better from warmth. The headache of both Rhus tox and Gelsemium has its focus in the back of the neck and head with aching across the shoulders. Rhus tox has a very dry mouth, but despite the dryness is not very thirsty.
Baptisia is a bad flu that comes on quickly with a high fever. Suddenly with a Baptisia flu you are very sick and going downhill fast. Mentally Baptisia is confused, stupidly dull, and even delirious, sleepy all the time and unable to even answer questions. The main characteristic is an offensive odor from the sweat, the mouth, and the stool, and Baptisia flus are accompanied by both diarrhea and vomiting. The tongue is coated yellow or brown, the throat intensely red, ulcers appear in the mouth, and the gums ooze blood.
Please Note: Prevention is key! Boost your immune system naturally. For more info, contact me at imannavab@gmail.com or visit www.ImanNavab.com
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Homeopathy and Prostate Cancer
Source: Many thanks to Dr. Luc De Schepper
What are the symptoms of malignant prostate cancer? They are very characteristic. First, there is a constant urge to urinate with little or no result. The patient gets up at night because of a strong urge but in spite of pushing hard, he only produces a few drops. This can be anxiety-provoking, causing perspiration and headaches. After some time the exhausted patient returns to bed, only to be awakened again later by the same nagging urge with the same frustrating result. Another unusual specific symptom is the loss of prostatic fluid caused by merely touching a woman (i.e. the older man who complains about losing fluid from the penis when he touches his wife).
An enlarged and hardened prostate gland (even if only part of the gland is hard) strongly indicates a possible malignancy. If there is also the combination of ineffectual urging to urinate and vertigo from lying down, getting up from or turning in bed, the remedy Conium (spotted hemlock) will be highly effective. As already mentioned, the decision as to whether the patient will undergo radiation and/or surgery is a very personal one made by the (hopefully well-informed) sufferer. But whatever the choice, Conium can be used, even after a prostatectomy is performed. Conium is usually needed when the cancer arises from a change in sexual habits (a sudden cessation of what had been a normal part of hte man's life). Consult a well-trained homeopathic physician for the potencies and follow-up. Do not institute this treatment for yourself! The doctor might do well to order a new ultrasound 6 months after the homeopathic treatment to gauge the results.
Remedies for benign tumors
For prostate problems linked to a simple benign enlargement, homeopathy has a rich arsenal of remedies specific to the patient's complaints. One of the best is Clematis, typically needed when the man has the sensation that the bladder is never empty. The patient complains that there is always some urine left (usually the first indication of prostate gland problems). Another symptom is the feeble urine stream due to the constriction of the urethra. Frequently, there is involuntary dribbling or loss of urine, so that the patient has to stay at the toilet for a while in order not to wet his trousers. This patient can also suffer from a burning pain at the cessation of urination. The above symptoms are often found in the patient who once had inflammation of the testes (orchitis) and/or epididymitis. Clematis is indicated especially when the patient has a history of gonorrhea being "cured" (driven deeper inwards) with antibiotics.
Another excellent remedy is Selenium (in homeopathic doses). The dominating characteristic is the physical and mental debility and exhaustion of the patient. A classical example is the patient with an increased sexual desire and the inability to have an erection (Selenium can be used as an erection remedy). At the same time, he experiences physical weakness from the slightest exertion, also obvious after the few times he manages to have sex. He loses prostatic fluid during stool or sleep. Some very specific symptoms calling for Selenium are hoarseness and hair loss on any part of the body (including eyelashes and pubic hair). An important note is that "Selsun" shampoo can counteract this remedy (because it contains selenium) and should be avoided when taking homeopathic Selenium!
When we mention digitalis we think of a heart remedy. Yet homeopathic Digitalis is the most important remedy for urine retention caused by an enlarged prostate. There is a strong desire to urinate but it is impossible for the patient to do so. He also feels his heart beating in his bladder and has a constant urge to urinate (tenesmus) at night. Then he has the strange feeling that the bladder is always full, even after urination. The above symptoms should alert the vigilant physician to the use of digitalis. Zinc is often used as an antioxidant together with Vitamin C, E and beta carotene to fight free radicals. Zincum metallicum, homeopathic zinc, is very specific for the man who can only urinate when sitting on the toilet. It is impossible for him to urinate while standing. Classically, his symptoms are also aggravated by drinking wine. Another remedy, one giving another etiology for prostate enlargement, is Staphysagria. The causalities for this remedy are sexual excesses and humiliation situations like verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Specifically these men can be impotent with their wives, yet have an erection when they masturbate. Often they have strong sexual dreams and thoughts when in bed, forcing them to masturbate in order to fall asleep. Uncontrolled itching of the testes may be symptomatic. There are many more specific prostate remedies such as Pulsatilla, Causticum, Nitric acid, Cannabis sativa and Thuja. The homeopathic physician will determine which one fits each patient's symptom complex.
Prevention with Supplements
Supplements play a great role in the prevention of prostate suffering. First is Vitamin A: Investigators at the National Cancer Institute found that men with significantly lower than normal Vitamin A levels had twice the risk for prostate cancer than those with normal levels. Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene is safe and effective. A daily dose of 25,000 I.U. is sufficient. Zinc has been shown to reduce the size of the prostate and to reduce symptomatology in the majority of patients. Take 50 mg elemental zinc a day. A great source of natural zinc is pumpkin seeds. Amino acids like glycine, alanine and glutamic acid have been shown to relieve many symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Urgency and frequency of urination is markedly decreased under the influence of these amino acids. Take 3 capsules daily. Effective Botanicals are also available. The best known is the saw palmetto berry (also known as Sabal serrulata), native to Florida. These berries were used to make a homeopathic remedy for the prostate long before their herbal use by holistic physicians. This remedy is indicated for frequent urination at night, painful ejaculation, impotence and acute prostatitis.
The message is clear. Before you are rushed into an operation, explore all options and make informed conscientious decisions. Consult a trained homeopathic physician who can determine the right remedy for your prostate suffering. Don't forget: nothing can beat prevention.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Pediatric and Homeopathy
Written by: Dr. B.P. Sharma, Edited by: Iman Navab
Warning: This article is intended for professional Homeopaths only. Do not use the remedies that are mentioned in this article on your own without supervision of your Homeopath. For more info on Homeopathic consultation, please visit www.imannavab.com
Introduction: Pediatric case taking is one of the most difficult task for a homeopathic physician. The main aspect of pediatric case taking is dependent on observations.
Temperament is defined as the individual’s normal, natural style of behavior and response to the world. It refers to “How” and not “What” of behavior. This means temperament does not dictate what children will do, but help understand how they do it.
Temperament consists of the traits you are born with. It differs from personality which is a combination of temperament (nature) and the life experiences of people and environment (nurture).
As a homeopath we are supposed to understand the temperament of a child (for example: being chilly or hot). Temperament is determined by your unique neurological characteristics and unlike personality it cannot be changed. It remains moderately stable across time and situations.
To find a remedy for a child we have to consider 3 main factors:-
(1) Sociability
(2) Activity
(3) Destructibility
(1) Sociability refers to approach (Extrovert) or withdrawal (Introvert) stimulus of the child to a new situation. Some children move easily into new settings, taking very little time to join a new group of playmates, while others may observe the scene for a long time before going into a new situation. This can also be applied to other situations such as trying a new food or changing a daily routine, for example: Some children eagerly seek new experiences while others withdraw from new activities and experiences.
Extrovert children:
They like to play with new toys. They are curious to explore it. Will give smile to new faces. Allow you to examine.
Introvert children:
Slower to warm up to a change. Will avoid eye contact to new faces. Will not mix with other child. Will cry and will not allow you to examine.
Remedies for Extrovert children based on Temperament (being hot or chilly):
Chilly: Phos, Rhus tox, Spoingia, Verat, Hyos, Coff, Carc, Bell.
Hot: Lach, Arg-n, Croc, Cham, Bufo, Tarent, Medo, Sulph, Carc, Tub.
Remedies for Introvert children based on Temperament (being hot or chilly):
Chilly: Bar c, Calc, Calc-sil, Anti.t, Ant-c, Ars, Aur, China, Ign, Sep, Sil, Staph, Stram.
Hot: Ambra, Bry, Cina, Cham, Gels, Lyc, Nat-m, Puls, Thuja.
(2) Activity: refers to the degree of energy expenditure through movement. It is viewed as some of the important dimensions in determining temperament- it can be hyper or hypo-activity.
Remedies for Hyperactive children based on Temperament (being hot or chilly):
Chilly: Rhus Tox, Ars, Cham, Merc, Hyos, Rheum, Stram, Thuja, Bor, Cina, Calc-p, Ant.t, Coff, Ip, Kali-c, Mag-c, Ign, Anac, Verat, Nux, Elaps, Zinc.
Hot: Arg. N. Iod, Cham, Merc, Rheum, Thuja, Bor, Tub, Taren, Med, Sulph, Ambr.
(3) Destructibility: It can be a reaction out of anger. Smashing, ripping, or tearing apart of objects are the expressions of destructiveness. These destructive behaviors are often directed to a nearby convenient target.
Chilly: Bell, Camph, Ign, Stram, Verat.
Hot: Tuberc. Taren. Sulph.
Sociability-Activity-Destructibility axis:-
1. Extrovert + Hyperactive + Destructive: Tarentula, Tuber, Cham, Veratrum, Medo.
2. Extrovert + Hyperactive + Non-Destructive: Rhus Tox, Arg-n, Lachesis.
3. Introvert + Hyperactive + Destructive: Cina, Stram.
4. Introvert + Hyperactive + Non-Destructive: Lyco, Merc, Ars.
By considering the above factors of the child, we add thermals, thirst, characteristic, constitution and mental, before we arrive at the similimum.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dear Colleagues,
I, Iman Pour Navab, would like to inform you that I have been voted as Secretary of the Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada (H.M.A.C.) on July 26 of 2009. I wish to thank all professional members and the board of directors who appointed me for this position. I will do my best to serve the members.
I, Iman Pour Navab, would like to inform you that I have been voted as Secretary of the Homeopathic Medical Association of Canada (H.M.A.C.) on July 26 of 2009. I wish to thank all professional members and the board of directors who appointed me for this position. I will do my best to serve the members.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
NEWS - Transitional Council of College of Homeopathic
Government of Ontario have today made announcement of appointment of Registrar of the Transitional Council of College of Homeopathic. Basil Ziv who has been appointed as new Registrar is best known as a homeopathic practitioner and educator. The Registrar is the chief administrative officer of the College. During the transitional period, the Registrar will support the transitional Council in all its work, including developing and implementing policies, by-laws and regulations that will govern the practice of the health profession. The Registrar is also responsible for the day-to-day operations of the College and has statutory duties under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. We may therefore now get ready as the Regulatory procedure is going to be initated soon by the Government of Ontario.
Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital
"we wanted to create a place of beauty and healing”
Dr. David Reilly.
At Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, patients are treated with the utmost respect and dignity. The building has been designed to meet both the physical and psychological needs of the patients, rather than forcing them to adapt to the operational needs of the hospital or any arbitrary architectural principles.
The exterior of the building is welcoming – not threatening – and is much larger than it first appears. The reception area is open, with a friendly interior, and bears a greater resemblance to a Scandinavian health spa than a fully functioning modern hospital capable of treating 10,000 outpatients and 500 inpatients every year.
The layout of the building offers a functional elegance to match first expectations. After discussion with staff and patients, the design was modified slightly so that ‘care’ spaces have a direct view and connection to nature and are protected from direct sound paths, while staff areas are located to the north and east of the building to avoid direct sunlight during working hours. Roof/clerestory arrangements provide natural lighting for deep plan corridors, waiting areas and enhances, as well as enhancing natural airflow and ventilation throughout the building.
Since staff face the sometimes demanding task of dealing with some very sick patients, some of whom have been previously viewed as untreatable, the Design Team has placed an equal emphasis on ensuring that staff health and well-being is given a similar level of priority. Not only are the consulting rooms and therapeutic areas positioned and fitted in an attractive and functional manner, but the staff rest areas and dining room have also been constructed and decorated in the same fastidious manner.
Project Director:
In 1994, as soon as Dr David Reilly was first appointed to lead the project to replace the old Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, he was determined that the new building would be neither ugly nor intimidating.
However, Dr Reilly was not naïve about the challenges ahead. He realised that making a place of healing and beauty could not be achieved by simply hiring a top architect. It would require the motivation and creative collaboration of patients, health carers, architects, artists, administrators, hospital managers, academics, media workers and political leaders.
He therefore set out to put together a Design Team that would be prepared to work together creatively and mobilise the necessary support to ensure that the hospital would meet everyone’s expectations – at no extra cost per square metre than a regular hospital.
Contact Info:
Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital
Part of Gartnavel General Hospital site
1053 Great Western Road
Glasgow G12 0XQ, U.K.
Hospital switchboard: +44 (0) 141 211 1600
All the best to GHH.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Homeopathic Immunization in Cuba
Source: many thanks to Tim Rogers
Credit: GoodScience. / Image: Dr. C.J. Finalay, Credit: History of Camaguey City.
Greetings all,
A historical and inspiring event took place 10-12 December 2008 in Havana Cuba that I had the honour to attend. There, the Carlos J Finlay Institute under the guidance of its director-general, Dra. Conception Campa Huergo and Dr. Gustavo Bravo and others hosted NOSODES 2008, an International Meeting on Homeoprophilaxis, Homeopathic Immunization and Nosodes against Epidemics.
Homeopaths from Cuba, S America, Canada, Australia, UK, and Kenya (yours truly) made presentations on the wide varieties of successful disease prevention using homeopathy and more specifically, nosodes.
Each presentation was more amazing than the previous. All were very remarkable and notable in the field of research and science. Some of the topics included Childhood Disease Prevention, Homeopathic prophylaxis as an aspect of gov’tal programs, Nosodes Genus Epidemicus and Compexes, Homeoprophylaxis on Agronomy, Homeoprophylaxis on Veternary, Homeoprophylaxis in TB, Homeoprophylaxis in Chagas disease, Homeoprophylaxis in hepatitis, Homeoprophylaxis in Malaria (yours truly, again) and the list of presentations goes on.
Some of the speakers (known to our English speaking homeopaths) were Martine Jourde, Issac Golden (Aus), Kate Birch (Canada), Tony Pincus (Ainsworth, UK), Leo Van Gelder (NL) & Lindsay Hickey (UK). A number of Cuban & SAmerican homeopaths also presented their work. All have done unique work in the field of homeopathy & epidemic disease.
But none of these remarkable speakers, each presenting their amazing work in disease prevention and use of nosodes could not hold a candle to the historical accomplishment of the Cubans in their presentation of controlling the local endemic-epidemic disease of Leptospirosis.
Now, the Finlay Institute is primarily the Cuban research institute that produces allopathic vaccinations for their country. Since Cuba is outcasted by the USA government, they have come to depend on themselves for the making of medicines, health care programs, etc. And since the Cuba is not under the yoke of the international pharmaceutical juggernaut, they are not held back from adopting homeopathy and other alternative medicines wholeheartedly into their national health programmes. The Finlay director-general herself is very pro-homeopathy (not to mention, besides, a macrobiotic vegetarian).
To put it simply, what they presented is this:
Cuba goes through a yearly cycle of Leptospirosis epidemic, especially after the hurricanes flood the countryside and water pollution reaches its height. (Leptospirosis: infectious disease caused by the spirochaete Leptospira transmitted to humans from rats, giving jaundice and kidney damage. Can cause death).
Annually the population is exposed to the disease, most especially after hurricanes.
Until Aug 2007, the Finlay Institute (a part of the Ministry of Public Health, Cuba) has been distributing its own allopathic Lepto vaccination. August is the height of the hurricane season. Annually, many are left homeless, flooded out and under the stress of disaster situation. There is a sharp rise in the lepto epidemic.
The usual expectacy of infection even with allopathic vaccination would have been around a few thousands, with some deaths included.
Part of the reason for this is that the high cost of vaccination prevents putting but the most at-risk populations (ie children, pregnant women, elderly) on vaccination. The cost of such limited vaccination is about US$3,000.000.
But in Aug 2007, Finlay put approximately 5,000,000 people (yes! 5 million!) in 2 provinces on homoepathic nosode prophylaxis at the cost of about only US$ 200,000.
That figure represents the entire population of the 2 provinces. The prophylaxis consisted of 2 single doses about 2 weeks apart. Included in the dose was the Lepto nosode + some Bach flower remedies to address the mental distress of the disaster situation.
How very amazing it was to watch this presentation being made. Up to the point, the presenters were showing us graph after graph of the usual rise of the epidemic, year after year, even with the use of allopathic vaccination. Each year the graphs would edge higher and higher towards the year-end, reaching up to the thousands of infected.
But this time, within 2 weeks after Aug 2007, the rising lines literally dropped off the chart to ZERO-Ten infections only! Yes. Near-zero infections, zero deaths from leptospirosis after Aug 2007. And in 2008, no deaths, infections less than 10 a month.
HISTORY MADE for Homeopathy
This mass treatment of 5 million people with homeopathy, I don’t believe, has been done anywhere else in the world, not even in India, where homeopathy enjoys the shelter of the government.
And the awesome results of going from hundreds of infected to near-zero in the period of a few weeks, also is historical. My jaw dropped as I watched the graphs demonstrate their success.
The Cuban team readily admits that they have not invented anything new as far as homeopathic philosophy or application. They have simply followed what we homeopaths know to work. And since they have no pharmaceutical multi-nationals to stop them, they were able to do it on a massive scale unknown in the history of homeopathy.
What is remarkable is their application to such a large population, and its dramatic success, with full scientific verification. The results are incontrovertible and undeniable even by the most rabid of anti-homeopaths.
I’m eagerly awaiting their formal publication in the medical journals of this remarkable event. I’m sure once these medical results are published, homeopaths will have more “weapons” in our “arsenal” to fight for our existence and for the adoption of homeopathy in national health programmes in industrialized and developing countries.
As a word or two about Dra Heurgo, Dr. Bravo and the rest of the Cuban team. Truly remarkable people. “Concita” as Dra Heurgo is lovingly known by the people of Cuba, is well known and loved as a woman who has done remarkable work to improve the health of the population. I found her to be a remarkable person – untiring, passionate about her work and compassionate in her motivation to serve her fellow human beings.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July 1st - Happy Canada Day!
Did you know:
Homeopathy was widely practiced in North America during the 19th century. Many doctors practiced homeopathy as well as conventional medicine. At the turn of the century there were 20 homeopathic medical colleges and more than 100 homeopathic hospitals in the United States. Canada's first female doctor, Emily Stowe, who founded Women's College Hospital, was trained as a homeopath at the New York Medical College for Women, Homeopathic from which she graduated in 1867. Homeopathic hospitals opened in Toronto and Montreal in the late 19th century.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Love of Sepia Personality
By: Dr. Marcela N. Casais (Photo credit: Hans Hillewaert, Wikimedia Commons).
Kent says that in Sepia "love is not shown as affection", he means that love exists, but it manifestation is benumbed and cannot be expressed. There is no absence of emotions but the intention of escape from them.
All the love expressions, marital, paternal, filial and even friendship burns Sepia out, and she feels that they avoid her privacy and independence (company agg., being alone am. Kent). That’s why Sepia shelters in occupation and in being alert to the house and family requirements. But finally, burned out, she desires to fly away from them, but her duty feeling doesn’t let her and the indifference to loved ones comes forth.
Sepia women reject their femininity, they are masculine, and like active games, so the trigger of her pathological picture, appears when she must assume her feminine roll: first menses, marriage, sexuality, pregnancy, child bed, and kids.
Marriage is a crucial period for Sepia. Making concessions to her mate is very difficult because her intolerance to contradiction, generates discussions in which she shrieks with anger and trembling, and then, she leaves the room smashing the door with violence in order to have the last word. Sepia can be highly irritable, quarrelsome and impatient, especially with her mate, overwhelming him with sarcasms and insults.
If she cannot get her independence, she chooses the complaint, the discontent with everything, the offense, and the sermon. Playing the roll of a martyr, she claims for love and affection, feeling forsaken, but when they give love to her, she shows indifference, and laments her destiny. "She is never happy unless she bothers someone" (Kent).
She is neither sentimental nor dictatorial with her kids, though she is frequently positive and doesn’t bear silliness, she gets angry for any trifle, she is censorious, she scolds everybody, and finds others´ faults. She shows a great irritability for the tiniest thing, she is nasty and she’s in a constant bad mood.
She’s not indulgent and she wants to make her children to be self-sufficient so she can get her own freedom. But in some cases she is over demanding with them.
Maternity is not easy for Sepia, because it is an excessive psychological drainage too much tiresome, so the indifference to the loved ones, is the result more than the cause of her troubles, that’s why she presents ailments during pregnancy, labor and child bed. Sepia frequently has sterility and abortion tendency.
She can be antisocial with family and friends due to her aversion to company and to the physical effort that being sociable demands. In the social intercourse she is excessively open, and almost rudeness. Sepia isn’t mischievous but impolite, although her comments can make us feel uncomfortable.
In a social party, she keeps away and silent, till the dance begins, then she begins to enjoy the party.
Female sexuality is characterized by having little interest or sexual energy. It is carried as a charge, the symptom that better express it is "bearing down".
Pain in the sexual intercourse is intolerable and can become vaginism. The absence of enjoyment and the insensibility in vagina are not infrequent. There also may be irritability post-coitus and symptoms aggravation after coitus.
Menses and sexual ailments are common, including frigidity and menopause disorders.
It is remarkable her aversion to being touched, bothered, and to be approached. She desires to be alone and to lie with her eyes shut.
The affective problematical in Sepia men don’t differs from the female’s, and there is a parallel in the sexual symptomatology.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Homeopathic Medicine is Nanopharmacology
By: Thiruvelan
Source: Healthy-Ojas
Western science has been marching towards the discovery of increasingly smaller particles of matter for the past centuries, from molecules and atoms to sub-atomic particles and quarks.
Likewise, the evolution of technology has witnessed the miniaturization of devices along with their increased capabilities. "Nanotechnology" has become the popular term to refer to the study and manufacture of devices of molecular dimensions, of the range of nanometers or one-billionth of a meter.
Homeopathic medicines are so small in dose that it is appropriate to refer to them as a part of a newly defined field of nanopharmacology. To understand the nature and the degree of homeopathy’s nanopharmacology, it is important to know the following characteristics of how homeopathic medicines are made.
* Most homeopathic medicines are made by diluting a medicinal substance in a double-distilled water. It should be noted that physicists who study the properties of water commonly acknowledge that water has many mysterious properties. Because homeopaths use a double-distilled water, it is highly purified, enabling the medicinal substance to solely infiltrate the water. The medicinal solution is usually preserved in an 87% water/alcohol solution.
* Each substance is diluted, most commonly, 1 part of the original medicinal agent to 9 or 99 parts double-distilled water. The mixture is then vigorously stirred or shaken. The solution is then diluted again 1:9 or 1:99 and vigorously stirred. This process of diluting and stirring is repeated 3, 6, 12, 30, 200, 1,000, or even 1,000,000 times.
* It is inaccurate to say that homeopathic medicines are just extremely diluted; they are extremely "potentized." Potentization refers to the specific process of sequential dilution with vigorous stirring. The theory is that each consecutive dilution in conjunction with the process of shaking/stirring infiltrates the new double-distilled water and imprints upon it the fractal form of the original substance used (fractal refers to the specific consecutively smaller pattern or form within a larger pattern).
Homeopathy Clinical Evidence:
Homeopathy first became popular in Europe and the United States primarily because of the astounding successes it had in treating people during various infectious disease epidemics in the 19th century. The death rates in the homeopathic hospitals from cholera, scarlet fever, typhoid, yellow fever, pneumonia, and others was typically one-half to even one-eighth that in conventional medical hospitals.
Similarly results were also observed in mental institutions and prisons under the care of homeopathic physicians as compared to those under the care of conventional doctors.
Choosing Homeopathic Remedies:
In homeopathy they are not looking for symptoms that are common to a diagnosis but for symptoms that are different and individual - they are not trying to explain the condition but to find a remedy for it by matching the specific characteristics of the patient's symptoms to the specific characteristics of the remedy.
Best known aspects of a remedy are called Keynotes: these include the mental/emotional and/or physical symptoms, plus modalities and causation. Remedies are most often prescribed for first-aid just on Keynotes.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Homeopathy Proven Successful for ADHD
By: Randall Neustaedter OMD, LAc, CCH
Holistic Pediatric Association.
The number of children put on drugs for attention problems is staggering, and school authorities pressure parents to use dangerous stimulant medications and antidepressants to keep children behaving in specific desirable patterns in the classroom. The approach of holistic pediatrics offers an effective management system for attention problems (so-called ADD and ADHD). An important component of this system includes the prescription of constitutional homeopathic medicines according the principles of classical homeopathy.
Clinical Study Design:
Now a carefully controlled clinical trial has shown that homeopathy does significantly improve attention. This study was published in the July 27, 2005 online edition of the European Journal of Pediatrics. The study, conducted in Switzerland, followed 62 children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). All children were carefully diagnosed with a number of screening instruments to verify the diagnosis of ADHD, excluding other diagnoses. The study involved three phases. First the children were treated with a constitutional homeopathic medicine individualized to their case. Only the children who improved by at least 50 percent on an ADHD rating scale were included in the second phase of the study, a crossover trial with a placebo group. Following that crossover phase, the children were then treated again with their homeopathic medicine in an open label phase.
The medicines used included Calc-carb (15), Sulphur (8), Chamomilla (5), Lycopodium (5), Silica (5), Hepar-sulph (4), Nux-vom (4), China (3), Ignatia (3), and Mercurius (3). Each of the following were used in one case only: Capsicum, Causticum, Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus, Phosphoric-acid, Sepia, and Staphysagria. Each was used on a daily bases in the Q3 to Q42 potency (LM). No other treatment of any kind was permitted during the course of the study.
Study Results:
Results showed that children did not improve while taking placebo, but continued to improve while taking the homeopathic medicine during the blinded phase of the trial and in the post-crossover phase. The median Conners rating for ADHD symptoms dropped from 19 at the start of treatment to a median of 8 within 6 weeks after the crossover phase of the trial. During the blinded trial the children receiving placebo had a high CGI rating of 12 compared to the homeopathic group with a rating of 9. After all children were returned to their homeopathic medicine, both groups returned to the low symptom level they had achieved before the crossover phase (median of 8).
The authors formed a definitive conclusion from this study. “The results of this trial point to the effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of ADHD.”
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Infertility and Homeopathy
By: Dr. A. Shah, Homeopathic Physician
The birth of first test tube baby, Louis Brown, in Manchester on July 25, 1978, was played up by the media to such an extent that issueless couples believed it as the best option for them. This served the interests of the medical industry and not that of the humanity.
The medical industry takes patients as machines that need to be fixed. Their approach can be best described in the words of a doctor who once told BBC, “You are deliberately setting out to create human beings and then destroying them.”
A homeopath, however, takes his patients as human beings and not as machines. The causes of infertility include a wide range of emotional and physical factors. Homeopathy believes in the individualization and gives primary importance to the fixing of vital force in the process of healing of an individual patient.
In most of female infertility cases it is either the blockage of fallopian tubes or the improper formation of eggs that forestalls conception. Many procedures like IUI, IVF, ICSI, MESA, TESA etc. are being adopted by the artificial reproductive technology these days to help patients suffering from infertility problems.
The birth of the test tube baby was the first event of its kind in the history of medical industry. But homeopathy has been successfully treating the infertility problems for the last two centuries. It focuses on the restoration of health gently, promptly and permanently. Its diagnostic methods, based on symptoms, are more reliable than the pathological lab reports. However, a homeopathic doctor may consider these reports for further confirmation of his analysis.
It gives me deep satisfaction as a physician that I was given chances by God Almighty to successfully treat many couples suffering from infertility. Most of these couples were told by reputed doctors that the only possibility for them to have a child was through the artificial reproduction technology. I remember a lady, who came from Karachi, had only one blocked fallopian tube, the other being already removed by surgeons. Some patients had asked her to try homeopathic treatment. She got the medicine and went back to Karachi. She returned after three months and to my delight her test reports showed that her blocked fallopian tube was absolutely clear and perfectly all right. She told me that her doctor said that there are now chances for conception if her ovaries could produce proper mature eggs. Then she asked, with hope in her eyes, “Doctor, is there any medicine in homeopathy for healthy eggs also?”
Although the successful homeopathic treatment of record cases of infertility is heartening, yet it disheartens me that a majority of the infertile patients are unaware of the efficacy of homeopathy.
God is so kind that He has given us homeopathy.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Let's consider these facts. Herbs have been around forever, they grow naturally and they have been used for healing for centuries. Drugs are synthetic chemical reproductions sold by the large pharmaceutical corporations at highly inflated prices. Doctors receive less than 3 hours of instruction on nutrition, eating right and preventative medicine in their entire 4-6 years of training.
Luis Pasteur, shortly before he died, stated that he was possibly mistaken about his germ theory. He said that germs and viruses might be the result of the disease instead of the cause. The way this could be explained is that the body overloads on toxic build-up and produces symptoms of stress, then necessary bacteria or viruses move in to scavenge the toxins, creating an abundance of these in the system, and leaving a super toxic waste by-product behind, which the body has a difficult time expelling. Therefore the presence of the virus or high bacteria count is a result of the disease and not the cause. A couple of very important things to realize when considering this possibility are : 1. A person does not need to be exposed to another individual to come down with a cold. People living in small communities with no outside exposure can come down with colds and disease. 2. People with no disease can sleep with people and exchange bodily fluids with people with HIV and not be infected. Considering these facts further weakens the Germ Theory of Disease. If this information is true, then the introduction of prescription and pharmaceutical drugs would only serve to mask the symptoms of the problem and slowly destroy the immune system since these drugs are highly toxic.
There have been several cures for cancer and other diseases but these have been viciously suppressed by the establishment and pharmaceutical industry. Some of these include Raymond Rife and the Rife Microscope, Harry Hoxsey, Cancell, Essiac, and Ozone. The latest and most promising information so far comes from a woman named Dr. Hulda Clark. Her books and research have just been published this year. She states that the age-long problem and cause of diseases are parasites, Worms in particular. There is a worm, an intestinal fluke, which exists in most people throughout their lives. Generally, it is excreted by the body in the younger stages and does not grow into an adult in our bodies. But, something different happens when substances like Benzene and Propyl Alcohol are abundant in our body. These toxic chemicals are consumed in the form of carbonated sodas and extracts and they are absorbed into our skin in hair and body care products. The abundance of propyl Alcohols break down the shells of the eggs allowing them to hatch early.
The build-up of these toxic substances weakens the immunity of certain organs or areas of the body (Thyroid, Lymph, skin), allowing worms to grow in these areas. Dr. Clark has diagnosed hundreds of people with both Cancer and AIDS and found that all of them had both the worm present and the weakened immunity from one of these toxic sources. She was also successful curing all of them with the three herbs that are necessary to kill the worms. She does claim though that some people that are very close to death may be too far gone from the severe burden of over-toxicity. We will see how long it takes for the general public to find out about this. We have already spoken to people in different states that have used her methods successfully. Even if people do find out about things one way or another, the average person will not even know that people are finding out about something because the media will not televise it and tell people certain things.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Swine Flu Epidemic
(Thanks to Melanie Grimes, citizen journalist for her permission.)
Homeopathy was successful in treating the flu epidemic of 1918 and can provide answers to questions about the 2009 Swine Flu. Homeopathy can provide quick and inexpensive relief for symptoms of the flu. A system of medicine based on the principles of "like cures like," homeopathy uses plant, mineral and animal sources for the natural flu remedies. Homeopathy is based on ideas from ideas dating back to Egyptian medicine. The term "homeopathy" was coined by the medical doctor and medical reformer, Samuel Hahnemann in the 1800s. Homeopathic remedies have been used to treat flu symptoms for two centuries.
Was homeopathy successful in treating the flu epidemic of 1918?
While the mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was 30 percent, those treated by homeopathic physicians had mortality rate of 1.05 percent.
Of the fifteen hundred cases reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia there were only fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%. In Ohio, of 1,000 cases of influenza, Dr. T. A. McCann, MD, Dayton, Ohio reported NO DEATHS.
What homeopathic remedies were used to successfully treat the Spanish flu in 1918?
Gelsemium and Bryonia
According the Dr. Frank Wieland, MD, in Chicago, "(With) 8,000 workers we had only one death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines."
Homeopathy was 98% successful in treating the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918?
Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05% . In Connecticut, 6,602 cases were reported, with 55 deaths, less than 1%. Dr. Roberts, a physician on a troop ship during WWI, had 81 cases of flu on the way over to Europe. He reported, "All recovered and were landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment.
How do they know that a virus caused the flu epidemic of 1918, when the first virus was not isolated until 1933?
They don`t. In fact, many believe that the epidemic was actually a vaccine reaction.
When Army vaccinations became compulsory in 1911, the death rate from typhoid vaccination rose to the highest point in the history of the US Army. US Secretary of War Henry L Stimson reported that seven men dropped dead after being vaccinated. He also reported 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six months of WW1. According to a report in the Irish Examiner, "The report of the Surgeon-General of the US Army shows that during 1917 there were admitted into the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia. When army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, it caused a worse form of typhoid paratyphoid. But when they concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress that one, they created an even worse disease Spanish flu."
Did the flu strain that caused the 1918 flu ever return?
The 1918 `Spanish Flu` was first reported in an American military, Camp Funston, Fort Riley, in troops preparing for WW1 and receiving 25 vaccinations. According to the CDC, the same flu strain appeared only one other time: in 1976. This was again at a US army base, Fort Dix, and again, was seen in recently vaccinated troops, and only in them. The virus has not appeared anywhere else.
Is homeopathy successful in treating the modern flu?
What can I do to prevent the flu?
Good food, clean living, rest and exercise are the basic ingredients.
There are certain nutrients that have been shown to help enhance the immune system, such as echinacea, vitamins C, E and beta carotene, zinc, and elderberries.
Source: by Melanie Grimes.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Vital Force!
One of the issues, which has made it very difficult for orthodox thinkers to grasp homeopathy, is the concept of the vital force. A unifying field that permeates and imbues material life with energy and health, but which, when limited or blocked, can affect the material well being of the body.
However, this concept is not new and it is not unique to homeopathy. This idea has been written about by many thinkers in other fields, medical and philosophical in the past and in the present.
If we are to try and ascertain how the vital force passes through matter and how it ebbs and flows in health and disease; and how the remedy patterns relate to one another as they mirror these effects and reflect them to us as remedy pictures, then we will have to broaden our perspectives and look at these other theories of the unifying field of Nature.
Catastrophe Theory may well help us to understand how the unifying field of vital force actually behaves. Developed by a mathematician, it is used to look at the changes in the behavior of systems, ‘the collapse of a bridge or the downfall of an empire. But it also deals with changes as quiet as the dancing of sunlight on the bottom of a pool of water and as subtle as the transition from waking to sleep’.
These theories are controversial even in mathematics, which has always seen change as slow, smooth and evolutionary. But Nature has catastrophic changes too ‘… the abrupt bursting of a bubble’ or the sudden shift of thought when we get a bright idea!
Catastrophe Theory was developed by a pure mathematician, Professor Thom, to study these sudden events when he was pondering on the order of Nature.
Newton’s calculus enables us to deal with continuous change, and this model of the Universe has molded our thinking for two hundred years. It has allowed us to predict undiscovered planets and to feel certain about the Universe. However, the twentieth century has gone well beyond Newton with the discovery of sudden and discontinuous change in the sub molecular level; electrons have obviously never read Newton!
Professor Thom interestingly believed that though our quantitative grasp of magnitude must not be relinquished, our qualitative grasp of form and geometric order goes much deeper the provision of some kind of picture, at least to the mind’s eye, is of primary importance.
The four fundamental forces science does know about, gravity, electromagnetism and the two forces within the atomic nucleus are ‘mysterious’. Physicists ‘..at best hope for a unifying theory to combine the four mysteries into one’.
Einstein frequently visualized forces as ‘hills’ and ‘valleys’ on a map of space-time. Thom sought to extend our intuitions of form ‘to see that processed and events have a shape of their own’.
Thom believed that we have to grasp the Universe’s ceaseless pattern of evolution and destruction of forms. He developed a topographical representation of this theory, a sort of three-dimensional graph, plus a mathematical formula to express his ideas. Also, he included in his thinking, the expression of continuity of forms of Nature. The branches of a tree, a river delta, a nerve axon and dendrites and the cracks in a wall.
These ‘recurrent identifiable elements’ have what Thom calls ’structural stability’. His goal is to describe the origins of forms, and to do this he has developed a mathematical language. Averages and probabilities founder in attempts to describe life as we see it. Calculus is ‘well behaved’ and ‘obliging’; reality is not.
However, in all aspects of probability and statistical analysis, the appreciation of pattern is fundamental. ‘Something that is not random’ underlies all concepts that require order and determinism for them to have any meaning at all. Science has tried to define a ‘detailed control mechanism’ perhaps located in the genes, ‘but the gap between those first gene products and such complicated end results’ this is the sensitive spot’.
Thom is more interested in their qualitative stability even under quantitative variation. What is striking is the stability, the homeostasis or ecological stability of repeating forms. Thom extends this notion of stability to inorganic systems as well. Based upon internal mathematical consistency, Thom sees Catastrophe Theory generating new forms from other sets of forms, allowing qualitative predictions. He sees it as a language, mathematically correct.
This theory is currently being explored in the social sciences and mathematicians are using Catastrophe Theory to draw graphs to illustrate the difference between sense and nonsense in mathematics.
Thom identified seven qualitatively different types of discontinuity (passing through non equilibrium states) with his new theory, but he states that there are also an infinite number of ways for such a system to change continuously (staying at or near equilibrium). There are other conceivable ways for the system to change discontinuously, but they are unstable and do not contain recurrent identifiable elements. These unstable discontinuous events are only likely to happen once only.
The ’surprising seven’ catastrophic events Thom calls by the colourful names of swallowtail, fold, cusp, butterfly, hyperbolic, umbilic and parabolic.
The stacastic process, which is part of the Law of Large Numbers, depends upon the reliability of large numbers of events, each one based upon the previous event in a cause and effect chain. The pattern emerges with repetition of events and then we can see the pattern within the pattern. Thus pattern is the repetition of events - one implies the other.
The unified field of the vital force and the way this field behaves as it passes through matter must surely occupy our minds from now on.
Source: Catastrophe Theory, a revolutionary new way of understanding how things change, page 9, Alexander Woodcock & Monte Davis Pelican Books ISBN 0 14 02 2250 2.
However, this concept is not new and it is not unique to homeopathy. This idea has been written about by many thinkers in other fields, medical and philosophical in the past and in the present.
If we are to try and ascertain how the vital force passes through matter and how it ebbs and flows in health and disease; and how the remedy patterns relate to one another as they mirror these effects and reflect them to us as remedy pictures, then we will have to broaden our perspectives and look at these other theories of the unifying field of Nature.
Catastrophe Theory may well help us to understand how the unifying field of vital force actually behaves. Developed by a mathematician, it is used to look at the changes in the behavior of systems, ‘the collapse of a bridge or the downfall of an empire. But it also deals with changes as quiet as the dancing of sunlight on the bottom of a pool of water and as subtle as the transition from waking to sleep’.
These theories are controversial even in mathematics, which has always seen change as slow, smooth and evolutionary. But Nature has catastrophic changes too ‘… the abrupt bursting of a bubble’ or the sudden shift of thought when we get a bright idea!
Catastrophe Theory was developed by a pure mathematician, Professor Thom, to study these sudden events when he was pondering on the order of Nature.
Newton’s calculus enables us to deal with continuous change, and this model of the Universe has molded our thinking for two hundred years. It has allowed us to predict undiscovered planets and to feel certain about the Universe. However, the twentieth century has gone well beyond Newton with the discovery of sudden and discontinuous change in the sub molecular level; electrons have obviously never read Newton!
Professor Thom interestingly believed that though our quantitative grasp of magnitude must not be relinquished, our qualitative grasp of form and geometric order goes much deeper the provision of some kind of picture, at least to the mind’s eye, is of primary importance.
The four fundamental forces science does know about, gravity, electromagnetism and the two forces within the atomic nucleus are ‘mysterious’. Physicists ‘..at best hope for a unifying theory to combine the four mysteries into one’.
Einstein frequently visualized forces as ‘hills’ and ‘valleys’ on a map of space-time. Thom sought to extend our intuitions of form ‘to see that processed and events have a shape of their own’.
Thom believed that we have to grasp the Universe’s ceaseless pattern of evolution and destruction of forms. He developed a topographical representation of this theory, a sort of three-dimensional graph, plus a mathematical formula to express his ideas. Also, he included in his thinking, the expression of continuity of forms of Nature. The branches of a tree, a river delta, a nerve axon and dendrites and the cracks in a wall.
These ‘recurrent identifiable elements’ have what Thom calls ’structural stability’. His goal is to describe the origins of forms, and to do this he has developed a mathematical language. Averages and probabilities founder in attempts to describe life as we see it. Calculus is ‘well behaved’ and ‘obliging’; reality is not.
However, in all aspects of probability and statistical analysis, the appreciation of pattern is fundamental. ‘Something that is not random’ underlies all concepts that require order and determinism for them to have any meaning at all. Science has tried to define a ‘detailed control mechanism’ perhaps located in the genes, ‘but the gap between those first gene products and such complicated end results’ this is the sensitive spot’.
Thom is more interested in their qualitative stability even under quantitative variation. What is striking is the stability, the homeostasis or ecological stability of repeating forms. Thom extends this notion of stability to inorganic systems as well. Based upon internal mathematical consistency, Thom sees Catastrophe Theory generating new forms from other sets of forms, allowing qualitative predictions. He sees it as a language, mathematically correct.
This theory is currently being explored in the social sciences and mathematicians are using Catastrophe Theory to draw graphs to illustrate the difference between sense and nonsense in mathematics.
Thom identified seven qualitatively different types of discontinuity (passing through non equilibrium states) with his new theory, but he states that there are also an infinite number of ways for such a system to change continuously (staying at or near equilibrium). There are other conceivable ways for the system to change discontinuously, but they are unstable and do not contain recurrent identifiable elements. These unstable discontinuous events are only likely to happen once only.
The ’surprising seven’ catastrophic events Thom calls by the colourful names of swallowtail, fold, cusp, butterfly, hyperbolic, umbilic and parabolic.
The stacastic process, which is part of the Law of Large Numbers, depends upon the reliability of large numbers of events, each one based upon the previous event in a cause and effect chain. The pattern emerges with repetition of events and then we can see the pattern within the pattern. Thus pattern is the repetition of events - one implies the other.
The unified field of the vital force and the way this field behaves as it passes through matter must surely occupy our minds from now on.
Source: Catastrophe Theory, a revolutionary new way of understanding how things change, page 9, Alexander Woodcock & Monte Davis Pelican Books ISBN 0 14 02 2250 2.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April 10th is the 254 birthday of Dr. Hahnemann
Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. (10th April 1755 - 2nd July 1843)
Hahnemann was among the first to apply scientific principles to the study of pharmacology and his legacy includes many practices that we now take for granted in medicine, including reducing dosage to a level that is less toxic yet still curative, testing the effects of drugs on groups of healthy persons to determine toxicity rather than just relying on clinical anecdotes, and limiting treatment to one medicine at a time. He was also an early proponent of hygiene and sanitation, and diet and exercise as bulwarks against disease and among the first to treat mental illness as a disease rather than a failure in morality.
Dr. Hahnemann was the primogenitor of several modern medical approaches. He held that, the treatment of insane patients is cruel and harmful and advised a humane treatment for the insane. He cured several insane patients with homeopathy, and gained popularity then on. He quickly discerned that poor hygiene was an essential contributor in causing the spread of diseases. His success with cholera and typhoid fever was in part due to this recognition. Hahnemann also accented on the importance of nursing, diet, bed rest, and isolation of patients during epidemic diseases. He described `Noxious` principles as the precursors of certain disease states.
Hahnemann`s three major publications highlight the development of homeopathy. In the Organon of Medicine (revised six times), he brushes up with the fundamentals. In Materia Medica Pura, he illuminates the exact symptoms of remedy provings. In his book, The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure, he demonstrates how the natural diseases become chronic in nature when, suppressed by improper treatment.
Dr. Hahnemann treated thousands of difficult and chronic cases that defied the best care from Allopaths all over Europe. His popularity fanned out to such an extent that physicians from Europe and America came to him to discern the new science and art of healing, called `Homeopathy`.
Image by: WasWoWashington
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara
At the age of 97 years and 4 months, Shigeaki Hinohara is one of the world's longest-serving physicians and educators. Hinohara's magic touch is legendary: Since 1941 he has been healing patients at St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo and teaching at St. Luke's College of Nursing. After World War II, he envisioned a world-class hospital and college springing from the ruins of Tokyo; thanks to his pioneering spirit and business savvy, the doctor turned these institutions into the nation's top medical facility and nursing school. Today he serves as chairman of the board of trustees at both organizations. Always willing to try new things, he has published around 150 books since his 75th birthday, including one "Living Long, Living Good" that has sold more than 1.2 million copies. As the founder of the New Elderly Movement, Hinohara encourages others to live a long and happy life, a quest in which no role model is better than the doctor himself.
Here are few highlights of what Dr. Hinohara says:
* Energy comes from feeling good, not from eating well or sleeping a lot. We all remember how as children, when we were having fun, we often forgot to eat or sleep. I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults, too. It's best not to tire the body with too many rules such as lunchtime and bedtime.
* Always plan ahead. My schedule book is already full until 2014, with lectures and my usual hospital work. In 2016 I'll have some fun, though: I plan to attend the Tokyo Olympics!
* When a doctor recommends you take a test or have some surgery, ask whether the doctor would suggest that his or her spouse or children go through such a procedure. Contrary to popular belief, doctors can't cure everyone. So why cause unnecessary pain with surgery I think music and animal therapy can help more than most doctors imagine.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Principles of Dilution
The different forms of dilution:
1) Hahnemann's centesimal Dilution, where an active principle is diluted in 99 times its own volume of liquid, is potentiated to obtain a solution with a potency of 1CH. A drop of this solution is taken and diluted in 99 times its own volume of liquid and shaken: producing a solution with a potency of 2CH, and so on.
2) Hahnemann's decimal Dilution, where the active principle is diluted in 9 times its own volume of liquid, follows the same process, providing titrated solutions in DH.
3) Korsakov's Dilution: the process is the same, except that a single flask is used for the preparation. Instead of taking a hundredth of the solution obtained at 1CH, 99 per cent is discarded and the remaining 1 per cent diluted. At each new stage traces of the previous dilutions remain. This method would make it possible to obtain remedies which would have a more global effect than that obtained using Hahnemann's dilutions, and which would present fewer problems.
4) Quinquagentamillesimal Dilutions:
Historical overview -
In 1948, Dr Pierre Schmidt of Geneva and Dr Jost Künzli of St. Gallen put the finishing touches to the translation of the 6th edition of the "Organon of the Medical Art". Whilst they were translating this work, their attention was particularly attracted by § 270 on the subject of quinquagentamillesimal dilutions, which until that point had not been studied in depth.
In his § 270, Hahnemann describes very clearly the preparation method and also ways of administering quinquagentamillesimal dilutions (also known as fifty thousandths, or LM/... or Q...). He deals with the results of experiments and observations he has gathered over the course of the five years leading up to his last edition of the "Organon". In it, he describes a new method of potentiation that allows him to repeat doses of medication, sometimes over a very long period of time, particularly with chronic diseases, whilst avoiding the problems he has observed with centesimal dilutions.
Doctors Schmidt and Künzli decided in February 1949 to manufacture their own LM dilutions. Künzli would go on to make the remedy known as Sulfur on his own; later, with Pierre Schmidt, he would manufacture many other remedies, each of which would require about 30 hours' work.
Several other doctors of that time tried to manufacture LMs, none of them really followed the method of preparation described by Samuel Hahnemann. This inevitably gave rise to different remedies and therapeutic results that could not be compared.
Amazing Human Ovulation!
Gynecologist Dr Jacques Donnez spotted a human egg emerging from the ovary a 45-year-old Belgian woman and filmed the whole process. It is the first time a human ovulation has been recorded in detail and Dr Jacques Donnez saw it in progress during a routine hysterectomy operation.
Human eggs are produced by follicles, fluid-filled sacs on the side of the ovary, which, around the time of ovulation, produce a reddish protrusion.
The egg comes from the end of this, surrounded by a jelly-like substance containing cells.
The egg itself is only the size of a full-stop, and the whole ovary, which contains many immature eggs, just a couple of inches long.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Be patient and watch this short movie clip.
Here is the link, please copy-&-paste it on your address bar:
This one is about Love!
This one is about Love!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Interesting Vet Stories from Homeopathic Pioneers
Dr. Hastings: We have had, for a number of years, a fine cat in our family. About five years ago it was reported that the cat was not eating anything at all. I found that somebody had clipped the smellers off close. The cat refused to eat for three days and gave great signs of drooping. It occurred to me that these smellers were extremely sensitive and probably supplied with nerves, so I gave her Hypericum, and in one hour she took her food.
Dr. F. Powel: I have a patient who had a horse that had been over-driven. The urine was entirely suppressed, and the horse was in great agony. This condition is considered fatal. I decided that Hyoscyamus was the remedy, and gave him four powders of the 200th. In six hours the urine came and the horse recovered.
Dr. Taft: I had a case of a horse that was injured by a nail in the foot. The veterinary surgeon said it would die. I asked for the privilege of giving medicine, and gave it Ledum. A member of the family was taking lessons in Christian Science and treated the horse at the same time. I do not know which of us deserves the credit, but the horse was cured.
Dr. Bell: Almost always horses coming from the country to Boston get a fever, with coughing, profuse catarrh, swelling of the glands of the neck. The remedy is Silicea; it cures them in almost every instance.
Dr. W. L. Morgan: About four years ago the stableman came after me, early in the morning, saying my horse was very sick. I found the horse's head stuck straight out and under the jaws and forelegs swollen so that he could not get his head to the ground. On inquiry I found that a horse in the same stable was having pinkeye and was under a veterinary. I gave Bell. 200 and put him in a box stall. In the evening I went to the stable again and saw that the horse was beginning to want to eat. We gave him a little green grass and he ate. In two days he was in condition to use.
Dr. Rushmore: A valuable cow in some way got loose in the stable and thus had access to the feed barrel. When my attention was called to her she was lying prostrate on the ground. Eyes dull, tongue stretched out of her mouth, and cold. I placed a few pellets of Carbo veg. 200 on her tongue and she got well rapidly. I would not have risked a dollar on her chances of recovery.
Dr. Kent: I have just one dog story. This dog had become too much interested in a cow that was going through the process of labour. The dog persisted in his attention until the cow turned on him and hooked him through the hind leg. It was a puncture wound and stiffness followed its healing, so he was no longer able to pose as a ten-thousand dollar dog. It seemed to be chronic stiffness. I sent a dose of Ledum which restored him to usefulness and to his proper places as a prize dog.
Dr. Hastings: We have had, for a number of years, a fine cat in our family. About five years ago it was reported that the cat was not eating anything at all. I found that somebody had clipped the smellers off close. The cat refused to eat for three days and gave great signs of drooping. It occurred to me that these smellers were extremely sensitive and probably supplied with nerves, so I gave her Hypericum, and in one hour she took her food.
Dr. F. Powel: I have a patient who had a horse that had been over-driven. The urine was entirely suppressed, and the horse was in great agony. This condition is considered fatal. I decided that Hyoscyamus was the remedy, and gave him four powders of the 200th. In six hours the urine came and the horse recovered.
Dr. Taft: I had a case of a horse that was injured by a nail in the foot. The veterinary surgeon said it would die. I asked for the privilege of giving medicine, and gave it Ledum. A member of the family was taking lessons in Christian Science and treated the horse at the same time. I do not know which of us deserves the credit, but the horse was cured.
Dr. Bell: Almost always horses coming from the country to Boston get a fever, with coughing, profuse catarrh, swelling of the glands of the neck. The remedy is Silicea; it cures them in almost every instance.
Dr. W. L. Morgan: About four years ago the stableman came after me, early in the morning, saying my horse was very sick. I found the horse's head stuck straight out and under the jaws and forelegs swollen so that he could not get his head to the ground. On inquiry I found that a horse in the same stable was having pinkeye and was under a veterinary. I gave Bell. 200 and put him in a box stall. In the evening I went to the stable again and saw that the horse was beginning to want to eat. We gave him a little green grass and he ate. In two days he was in condition to use.
Dr. Rushmore: A valuable cow in some way got loose in the stable and thus had access to the feed barrel. When my attention was called to her she was lying prostrate on the ground. Eyes dull, tongue stretched out of her mouth, and cold. I placed a few pellets of Carbo veg. 200 on her tongue and she got well rapidly. I would not have risked a dollar on her chances of recovery.
Dr. Kent: I have just one dog story. This dog had become too much interested in a cow that was going through the process of labour. The dog persisted in his attention until the cow turned on him and hooked him through the hind leg. It was a puncture wound and stiffness followed its healing, so he was no longer able to pose as a ten-thousand dollar dog. It seemed to be chronic stiffness. I sent a dose of Ledum which restored him to usefulness and to his proper places as a prize dog.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Health Care Model in Mexico!
In rural Yucatán villages of Mexico, where indigenous Maya live in abject poverty, A Promise of Health has developed an innovative and unique health care model that if replicated across rural Mexico can revolutionize the delivery of medical services for the poor.
Since 2001 until now, A Promise of Health has placed Mexican Homeopathic Doctors in rural Yucatán, serving more than 25 municipalities. During that time, the doctors, who see on average 140 patients each day, have treated an incredible number of patients – more than 65,000. With a portable pharmacy they are not only able to diagnose and prescribe, but also to give villagers needed medicine. All of this at no cost to the patient.
Source: A Promise of Health.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Homeopathy in respiratory tract complaints
By: Alexandria, VA
Homeopathy versus conventional treatment in respiratory tract complaints:
Homeopathy gets 82.6% response, conventional gets 67.3% response.
In an outcome study, 30 practitioners in four countries enrolled 500 consecutive patients with at least one of three complaints: upper respiratory tract complaints including allergies; lower respiratory tract complaints including allergies; or ear complaints. Of 456 patients, 281 received homeopathy and 175 conventional treatment. The primary outcomes criterion was response to treatment, defined as cured or major improvement after 14 days of treatment. Results showed a response rate of 82.6% in the homeopathy group compared to 67.3% in the group receiving conventional medicine. The authors concluded that homeopathy appeared to be at least as effective as conventional treatment of patients with the three conditions studied.
(Riley D, Fischer M, Singh B, Haidvogl M, Heger M. Homeopathy and conventional medicine: an outcomes study comparing effectiveness in a primary care setting.)
Homeopathy versus conventional treatment in respiratory tract complaints:
Homeopathy gets 82.6% response, conventional gets 67.3% response.
In an outcome study, 30 practitioners in four countries enrolled 500 consecutive patients with at least one of three complaints: upper respiratory tract complaints including allergies; lower respiratory tract complaints including allergies; or ear complaints. Of 456 patients, 281 received homeopathy and 175 conventional treatment. The primary outcomes criterion was response to treatment, defined as cured or major improvement after 14 days of treatment. Results showed a response rate of 82.6% in the homeopathy group compared to 67.3% in the group receiving conventional medicine. The authors concluded that homeopathy appeared to be at least as effective as conventional treatment of patients with the three conditions studied.
(Riley D, Fischer M, Singh B, Haidvogl M, Heger M. Homeopathy and conventional medicine: an outcomes study comparing effectiveness in a primary care setting.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Great great great grandson of Dr. Hahnemann
Reported by: Trevor Cook
It is with great sadness we report that Mr. William Tankard-Hahnemann passed away peacefully at his home in Crowborough, East Sussex on 12th January 2009, his 87th birthday. (1922-2009)
As a young boy, Mr. Hahnemann remembered his mother telling him of her visits to 'Uncle Leo' at Ventnor, Isle of Wight. He later knew that he was Dr. Leopold SussHahnernann, Dr Samuel Hahnemann's grandson, the only son of his favourite daughter, Amelie (1789-1881). Dr. Suss-Hahnemann was the only member of the Hahnemann family to be present at Samuel Hahnemann's funeral, apart from Hahnemann's second wife Melanie, in Paris in 1843 and at his subsequent re-burial in the Peré Lachaise Cemetry in east Paris. Subsequently Leopold emigrated to England, when he practised homeopathy in London. He retired to the Isle of Wight and died there at the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
Dr Leopold Suss-Hahnemann's youngest daughter, Amalia had two children, Winifred (born in 1898) and Herbert. William Herbert Tankard-Hahnemann was Winifred's son.
In October 2008, William Tankard-Hahnemann stood down as patron owing to ill health. He was succeeded by his son, Charles Tankard- Hahnemann. Charles visited Singapore, accompanied by his wife Bron, last October to present British Institute certificates and prizes at an Award Ceremony organised by the Singapore Faculty of Homeopathy, and opened three free homeopathic clinics on Temple sites.
The condolences of the entire homeopathic community go to William's wife, Beth (sadly it would have been their 60th wedding anniversary next month), and the Hahnemann family. We offer our respect and gratitude for his incalculable contribution to the progress of Samuel Hahnemann's Healing Art over the past 22 years.
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